Yesterday, I had the honor of being interviewed by Kate Davis, Deputy Editor of Fast Company magazine, for her podcast, Secrets of the Most Productive People (our episode is scheduled to air next week). We discussed how working parents can stay productive while working from home and caring for children during quarantine. At the end of the interview, Kate paused, looking at me through the Zoom screen, and asked, “What do you think the future of work will bring? What will work be like, post-pandemic?”
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Over the past couple of weeks, in my conversations with clients, colleagues, and friends, I’ve noticed a trend. We’re shifting to an acknowledgment that this social-distancing world we’re living in isn’t likely to last just a few weeks. While Trump has suggested we will have a vaccine “relatively soon,” according to some public health experts, it will likely be 12-18 months or longer before a vaccine is widely available. Companies like Facebook and Microsoft have announced that they’re canceling or converting most large in-person events to digital through June 2021.
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